People worrying about the bus being late, everyone’s description is fantastic. It makes one laugh to read the details of tickets being blacked out on the talkies of Barwalpur and Putusganj, Rangeela and Phiranti’s passion for watching films, the fight for tickets for the film, the meeting at Mithas Sweet House.
There are a total of 47 titles in the novel, reading which it seems as if the storyteller himself is narrating the story of his early life. The characters are so alive that it is almost impossible to forget them. The dialogues in the local language between the characters in the middle of the story are quite interesting. A detailed description of the environment of Putusganj can be seen in the story of the second title. Next to this, Anirudh’s childish mind is waiting for playing cricket and school holidays, while there is also the fear among the children of the headmaster of the school, Ramadhar Pratap Singh, who is known as Lion among the students. Whatever possible conditions of school, college and education could have existed during that time, all of them are recorded in this novel. In Puthusganj, the heated local level election atmosphere between Congress and Janata Party, vehicles with loudspeakers campaigning to make their leader win, youth like Ranvijay Singh and all the incidents involved here seem to be of today. The results of the general elections came, Indira Gandhi, who had imposed emergency in 1975 and lost the elections in 1977, got majority, but Hemant Singh of Janata Party won in Putusganj, which comes under Khairabad Lok Sabha. Anirudh, moving towards adolescence, is now lost in the world of various dreams, eager to go to high school. The atmosphere of Gendamal High School, English teacher Badrinarayan Vashishtha, Holikotsav after Holika Dahan, all have been described by the author very brilliantly.
Through the story, the example of humanity presented by Anirudh’s father in the 1971 war and the communal violence that broke out in the city during that time, the assassination of Indira Gandhi and the Sikh riots is worth mentioning.
The author has paid very careful attention to small details, due to which, while passing through that time and environment, it feels as if we ourselves have become an important part of it. Vibhuti Narayan Singh, popularly known as Baba, Babvo, Bampilat in Putusganj, Bulaki achieved business success with his hard work and business mind, Alok Tirkey died in a bus accident, Shastri ji’s anger over his son suddenly getting married in search of dowry. , the driver Dimpy saving the bus from the robbers, the kidnapping of the Gop couple, Anirudh and his friend’s attraction towards girls, all this keeps us engaged and takes us back again and again to a society which, even if it is read today, -By writing he has become self-reliant and elite, but at the level of intelligence he has not progressed from primitive times. Reading this story, which narrates the mood of love and separation between Anirudh and Parvati, is enriching on an emotional level as well. In terms of language, craft and presentation, this work is like a gift in the world of Hindi literature, in which the art of entertainment, interest and companionship is present.